
Archive for the ‘Natural Resources’ Category

So she smiles and says she’s going to make coal companies go out of business and put coal miners out of work, eh? What  do you think your boss Obama, your Democratic buddies, your eco-fascist supporters and crony capitalist donors have been doing for 7 years, honey? There’s not many scraps left, even for hyenas.

Yes, I heard how you’re going to throw some job training $$ our way but we’ve been down that road of federal money numerous times and all it does is reward some loyal Dems to distribute and administer the $$, pay the way for a few attendees and it’ll all come to naught. Except for your loyal Dems, they’ll have pocketed some tax $$ but there won’t be any jobs here.

Gonna give us jobs to build and install windmills and solar panels, right? How stupid do you think we are? We know that most alternative energy components are made in China since they do it so much people – not paying that union wages you push for – and in any case, any jobs with windmills, etc would be temporary and involve only a few employees. In case you’re too dumb to know industry, coal and other fossil fuels employ numerous people in ancillary positions.

We don’t want your damn federal handouts, we want to be able to work in our energy jobs w/o our own gov’t slapping our hands every which way. Why don’t we just decrease the gov’t to about half its current size – or less – and use the saved tax money to invest in capital and R&D?

The greenies and their politicians have been lying to us for a long time and too many believed the lies. I have old KFTC [Kentuckians For the Commonweath] papers and that of other green groups asserting ‘oh, we don’t want to end coal, we just want it safer or certain types that would be easier on the environment’ and ‘oh, we’re not trying to end fossil fuels cause gas is so much cleaner’, and so much more crap. Now they celebrate the death of the coal industry period and gleefully proclaim they want to end all fossil fuels. Liars and selfish self-righteous jerks.

Aubrey McClendon of Chesapeake Energy was an idiot to believe the Sierra Club would only go after coal and leave gas alone. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600940/how-chesapeake-ceo-aubrey-mcclendon-helped-push-coal-to-the-brink/#/set/id/600935/

Follow the money. The Global Warming scare is about money and power. About redistributing wealth. http://legalinsurrection.com/2016/03/obama-administration-deposits-500-million-in-uns-green-climate-fund/#more

Whaddya know? Obama doesn’t like gas or oil any more than he likes coal. The only unanswered question is whether Obama is stupid enough to fall for the AGW gibberish or whether he supports it as a way to radically transform the US and the world into a socialist one-world gov’t with the UN acting as manager. I vote for the latter. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/03/obama-to-energy-producers-drop-dead.php

$50 Million Renewable Energy Scam

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h/t to http://smalldeadanimals.com

Who needs oil anyway?


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h/t to Glenn Reynolds at http://www.pjmedia.com/instapundit

A former community organizer, part-time lawyer, adjunct law instructor with no science or math background whatsoever is a sudden expert on global warming or whatever the trend word is today.

I’ve discussed the fallacy of the 97% stat that is perennially touted by Big Green and now embarrassingly pushed by the President of the United States to raise more tax revenues. 

The myth of the 97% climate change consensus

Keep in mind that there is no proof higher carbon dioxide threatens the planet, indeed it has been higher without any problems and could improve life here by increasing food production areas and season times.

EPA’s New Proposed Regulations to Restrict Emissions from Existing Fossil Fuel-Based Electric Generation

Keep in mind that even the EPA admits the difference in global carbon dioxide emissions will be negligible.

What will happen as a result is quite predictable: Greatly increased rates for electric power, decreased availability of the electric power so vital to our way of life, decreased reliability of the electric grid, a lower standard of living, decreased competitiveness of US products in world markets since most countries do not have such regulations, and Communist-style central control of the electric generating industry by a Washington-based bureaucracy with no understanding of the industry.

This political agenda won’t make any difference in our climate but it does have real-life consequences, all to push a tax. If you haven’t figured out that the purpose behind all this AGW talk from Obama is about raising a new tax, you’re not paying attention.


Obama isn’t a progressive, he’s a regressive socialist who is using an outdated model of AGW to push for higher taxes that punish fossil fuels from red states.

Ontario, Canada: A Mirror of America’s Economic Future Mortgaged To Falsified Climate Science

Am I a scientist? No but critical thinking skills never go out of style. The green predictions have never occurred but that doesn’t stop greenies from making new ones. I’m a denier? Hey it’s the job of greenies to convince us of a drastic change in the status quo of accepted science. They haven’t. They’re hypocrites, their computer models don’t work, they’ve lost the original raw data that supposedly “proved” AGW, none of their predictions occurred, there’s plenty of opposition from renowned scientists, their choices for enforcement is subjective, they can’t replicate any of their “research” and they must enforce totalitarian oppression on any opposing views

It would be appropriate and admirable for a FLOTUS to visit schools and encourage kids to eat healthy and/or exercise. It is pathetic for her to use her clout to push legislation that forces what schools can buy and serve kids, that punishes those who do not by withholding federal funds, that declares areas ‘food deserts’ that pick winners and losers in grocery produce stores, and takes control of lunches out of the hands of parents. When challenged by kids who don’t like her food dictates, Michelle Obama blames Republicans who are “antiscience” and will hurt kids. She blames parents, who need her “help” making choices. IOW she reacts as viscerally thin-skinned as her husband and turns her problems into a partisan attack.


She doesn’t seem to realize that her demands aren’t supported by all food scientists. Some schools are insisting on 1% skim milk to reduce the fat. When my kid was born, I embraced a healthy diet for her until she left home for college. I followed principles of people like Sara Sloan, a school nutritionist, Lendon Smith, Marion Nestle and the like. Everyone, the most ardent healthy food pusher, insisted that kids drinking milk require the full fats for brain development, not some skim version. There’s no clear evidence vegetarian is a better food life style for children or adults, and cutting calories for kids is a dangerous venture.

How bad is the first lady’s hastily-installed and arbitrary program? http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2014/05/30/not-media-narrative-school-lunch-standards-rolling-fiasco-cuisine-centra

The rules impose very specific quotas for the type and amount of food served. Cafeterias, for example, must feature five “vegetable subgroups” across “dark green, red/orange, beans/peas (legumes), starchy and ‘other’ vegetables.” Schools have had to eliminate popular menu items such as sandwiches. Two slices of bread over five days exceed the weekly grain limits

Just the latest view on the ever-changing state of food service below:


Politics have corrupted science; we don’t need the POTUS and FLOTUS making it worse. Why don’t you work on the economy, President Obama?


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thanks to Ace of Spades for chart [http://ace.mu.nu]



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Everyday I see the destructive effects of declining coal. While some of this may be from the increased use of cheap natural gas, the Obama EPA has had a major role here in development, mining and usage of coal. Our only tiny glimmer of light has been exporting coal to other countries; now Obama wants to end that.

Please keep in mind we are killing a major source of cheap reliable energy because of 1] an unproven theory the earth is warming and that’s due to something human beings do, not natural cycles 2] an unproven theory that coal causes asthma, which the NIH won’t state but Medical Researcher-in-Chief Obama does 3] an unproven theory that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is destructive to life, even though we’ve survived higher levels before 4] capital venture companies that want to make money by alternative energy, which can only be accomplished by destroying our old energy methods 5] years of Earth Day propaganda that feeds our children nonsense of unproven/disproven scare tactics, including fossil fuels,  that are seamlessly replaced by new scare tactics 6] a liberal base that needs to be inspired and appeased on a continuing basis, and forty years of environmentalism is an easy talking point and 7] liberal politicians who want a political sea change in Appalachia/South  and 8] eco-purists who want to return large parts of our nation – especially the Appalachians – to a “no fooftprint” condition 9] a plethora of Big Green community organizing groups, including Kentuckians For The Commonwealth [KFTC], who use the environment issue as a conduit to install a specific agenda, e.g., felon voting 10] Agenda 21 adherents who believe one-world government, a la the United Nations, is the answer to a better world; Agenda 21 moves rural folks to planned cities and designates energy/forests to government control.  11] smug opponents who don’t need coal in their geographic areas – think California – and either don’t care how their views devastate Appalachia or consider it political payback for our wrong-thinking voting.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that socialist, one-world government multibillionaire George Soros and uber liberal groups like The Tides Foundation are shelling out many millions to Big Green groups, Big Green media groups [e.g. Center for American Progress] and groups that train Big Green leaders [e.g. Rockwood Institute and Moveon]? Do you think it’s a coincidence that Saudi Arabia and Warren Buffet, who partly owns the railroad used in the North Dakota Bakken Fields but doesn’t own part of the Canada Tar Sands/Keystone XL pipeline venture, have given money to defeat the Keystone XL pipeline?

If the EPA won’t allow companies to mine or mine in the US using fossil fuels, why should we allow imports that have been manufactured in coal-fired plants? If the clothes I wear come from Malaysia and were made using coal as an energy source, we should ban it. If the computer I use comes from China and was made using coal as an energy source or uses batteries/heavy metal components mined in a manner that doesn’t meet our EPA standards here, we should ban it. A level playing field for US companies and workers only seems fair.

Always follow the money. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/13/democrats-who-oppose-keystone-xl-pipeline-own-shares-in-competing-companies/

Much bigger money. http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/10/center-for-american-progress-first-solar-green-relationship/  and http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/02/center-for-american-progress-or-corporate-donors-progress/   Here’s a tip, Kentucky, you can’t trust Bill Clinton and his support of Allison Lundergan Grimes, he’s making way too much money with the Clinton Initiative.

Most of us in Eastern Kentucky and the rest of Appalachia are in shock. We’ve listened to idiots like Daryl Hannah and RFK Jr’s California-based enviro groups come and protest, filling the media with “facts” we haven’t had the time or money or opportunity to investigate –  the EPA, the NIH,  and government-funded college research grants are only interested in studies that support Big Green – and we can’t believe the rest of our nation is doing this to us.  Here a small Tea Party group makes an attempt to comprehend. http://www.nkyteaparty.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2320:let-s-rid-kentucky-of-agenda-21-and-save-private-property-rights&catid=8&Itemid=120

Oh yes. http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/james-beattie/meteorologist-tells-hannity-ghost-global-warming-closing-coal-plants

When the president puts you in his crosshairs and the MSM pant along behind him, it hurts: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304337404579212262280342336?mod=WSJ_article_EditorsPicks Coal’s Decline Hits Hardest in the Mines of Kentucky

We don’t want your damn welfare and stupid job-training programs, President Obama and your silly base, we want jobs. We want to keep our people here. We want our own money.



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No kidding. What a shock. http://www.nationalreview.com/planet-gore/369635/long-lasting-light-bulbs-not-so-long-lasting-greg-pollowitz  They were tested in England.

Obama and Big Green want to copy the decades-old green agenda of the European Union and individual European nations. They’re always jealous of Europe. The thing is, European Socialist-Lite isn’t looking so pretty these days and that goes double for their green agenda. Much of Europe is running as fast as it can from green. No matter what, there’s a price to be paid for what Big Green has already enacted there. Big electric and heating bills passed on to weary consumers, not enough heat and electricity in a colder weather pattern, not enough energy for economic growth, renewable energy complaints that turn out to have their own problems of noise, bird killings, maintenance, unreliability w/o fossil fuel backups, explosions and falling turbines, made in China eco horrors, greater building expense than planned, plummeting prices to nearby real estate, shorter life spans than promised and downright soul-killing ugliness. Cut your losses now.


One band of conservation groups that hasn’t sold out its mission is the coalition of bird watchers/supporters. They don’t care about the money or political power, they care about the birds. There are other conservation groups that also fit this category, e.g. the RMEF, but windmills are garnering attention now so birds are a focus. Here, a Lake Erie bird group is fighting back against planned windmills in this famous migratory bird area. Threatening to sue, they’ve won a reprieve. That’s the key. That’s how Big Green got so powerful, by lawsuits and threatened lawsuits, and it’s a door that can swing both ways. BTW I’ve been to this area of Lake Erie with my dad and his family more than once but not lately. It’s a scenic and tourist area, a lovely way to spend a day with a picnic and bird watching. http://www.abcbirds.org/newsandreports/releases/140129.html

Here’s a good summary of problems with so-called renewables. http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/01/ten-reasons-why-intermittent-wind-solar.html

Uh oh. This is Pennsylvania, not Fayette Co, Kentucky. http://www.wpxi.com/news/news/local/wind-turbine-falls-fayette-co/ncqk2/?nmredir=true Don’t worry, it was only a little over 210 feet tall. Couldn’t hurt a fly.

It’s not enough that the ##% stupid treehuggers destroyed the lucrative Oregon logging industry with its jobs in an ignorant attempt to save some spotted owls. If you’re too young to remember, some of these ‘peaceful’ treehuggers and earth-luvvers even spiked the trees where the saws would go. They thought killing/injuring loggers was a fair exchange for saving the spotted owls. The loggers and jobs are long gone but the poor owls are still dying and it turns out the problem wasn’t logging at all but a different kind of bird. The wise-as-an-owl federal government is going to kill the murderous barred owls in yet another attempt to save the [evidently] dumb spotted owls. I thought liberals believed in evolution? http://www.cfact.org/2014/01/14/feds-save-spotted-owls-by-killing-barred-owls/

I’ve discussed Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren before, including his book with Paul Ehrlich. The book was full of dire predictions which have proven laughable but Holdren is a useful idiot lefty who provides cover for Big Green cronyism. http://www.drroyspencer.com/2014/01/john-holdren-pseudoscience-czar-predicted-waste-heat-would-doom-humanity/

But this part of Holdren’s history takes the cake.  As described at zombietime.com, Holdren co-authored a book chapter with Paul Ehrlich (the honorary Failed Forecast Czar) back in 1971 entitled Overpopulation and the Potential for Ecocide.  In that chapter, they forecast both a human-caused ice age and human-caused warming, with the latter being the biggest threat.

            What is astounding from a science perspective is that Holdren blamed warming on waste heat, the result of humans and their energy use, rather than a slowly increasing greenhouse effect. He predicted that the localized nature of this waste heat would eventually spread to be a global problem.

Below, the Galileo Movement http://www.galileomovement.com.au/

alarmist-keyboard TheGalileoMovement


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http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2013/11/obamas-ethanol-policies-have-scarred.html The Big Green ethanol policy has completely failed, except for the monetary rewards for big farms and companies that invested in this Obama EPA mandate. The highest ethanol mandate for cars doesn’t even exist, is bad for car engines, and has been terrible for the …. environment. The EPA Ethanol Mandate, proudly touted by former head Liza Jackson, has pretty much destroyed the prairie. You’ll notice the debacle didn’t stop the EPA didn’t prevent them from enacting stiff fines on the car manufacturing companies. Is that the bottom line of the Obama administration? Enacting stupid regulations that can’t be met and then extorting money from the companies which can’t meet them.

Some nations are fighting back against the UN agenda of Big Green. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/11/12/50000-at-rally-against-climate-agenda-in-poland/

This is a two-fer for Big Green, which hates any kind of natural resource extraction and hates guns/bullets too. http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/16881-epa-closure-of-last-lead-smelting-plant-to-impact-ammunition-production Note that it’s fine with Big Green to scar Mother Earth with the stupid ethanol mandates [see above] but they rant and rave and eventually shut down resource extraction which – gasp – scar that same Mother. Meanwhile, we’ll import bullets from China – and their lead smelting plants – at least until the left shuts that down.


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How in heck can anyone have the nerve to support President Obama anymore? How can you believe in him at all, unless you’re a corrupt crony socialist, which should be an oxymoron but isn’t. Obama is bypassing Congress, which followed the lead of the American people by refusing to pass Cap’n’Trade AGW laws and regulations. He’s gonna do it all by his lonesome. Well he’s got some Big Green donors and George Soros on his side, so maybe Obama thinks they’re more influential than the American public.


          Executive Order: On Friday President Obama issued an executive order to prepare the US for the impacts of climate change. The order states that it will assist in preparedness and resilience. On the surface, resilience is important. One can compare the evacuation of some 800,000 citizens from the coast of India from last week’s cyclone with the poor handling by state and local officials of the evacuation of New Orleans from hurricane Katrina.

          However, given the record of this administration, the order is a disturbing action intended to avoid Congress.

           When Congress failed to pass the cap-and-trade, the administration used the EPA to control carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by declaring that greenhouse gases (basically CO2) endanger public health and welfare. The EPA scientific justification is crumbling. There is no distinct human fingerprint, late 20th century surface warming stopped sixteen years ago, and all the models overestimate global warming. Yet these failures in the scientific justification have not stopped the EPA from issuing new regulations that effectively prohibit the construction of new coal-fired power plants. Further, the administration, without Congressional approval, is implementing a carbon tax in the form of what it calls “The Social Costs of Carbon.”

          The executive order states: “A foundation for coordinated action on climate change preparedness and resilience across the Federal Government was established by Executive Order 13514 of October 5, 2009 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance), and the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force led by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).” Thus, the foundation for the order is a previous executive order by the administration.

          The order also cites the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which is little more than a rubber stamp for the highly questionable findings of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

           The new executive order states: “The impacts of climate change — including an increase in prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy downpours, an increase in wildfires, more severe droughts, permafrost thawing, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise — are already affecting communities, natural resources, ecosystems, economies, and public health across the Nation. These impacts are often most significant for communities that already face economic or health-related challenges, and for species and habitats that are already facing other pressures.”

          Herein lies a great concern. For decades, the government-financed climate establishment, including the IPCC, has greatly exaggerated the certainty of its science, the influence of CO2 on temperatures, and the consequences of human-caused global warming. Now, we may be witnessing the dark side of Steven Schneider’s famous false dilemma. “So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have…Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” For whatever motive, those who have chosen to be effective by exaggeration rather than being scrupulously honest are paving the way for authoritarian expansion of executive power, bypassing the democratically elected Congress. See Article #1 for Fred Singer’s discussion of the problems in the latest IPCC summary, links under Using Climate Change to Expand Executive Power, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Schneider.


There’s lots more at the link to WattsUpWithThat. This would be a terrifying power grab in the most balanced and nuanced administration, which Obama’ s is not. It’s not about science, it’s not about health, it’s not about disasters, it’s not about climate. It’s about money, power and changing the United States and the world.

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Americans have largely ignored this long-brewing scandal because it took place in Ecuador, but it’s been extremely important to international Big Green, the fossil fuel industry and nervous governments trying to decide whether to appease eco-agitators or keep energy tax revenues flowing.

In brief, Big Green activists launched a vague lawsuit against Chevron – let Phelim McAleer narrate:

Chevron is suing lawyer Steven Donziger and a number of activist environmental groups in a civil-racketeering suit, claiming that his landmark $19 billion award against the oil company in an Ecuadorean court was the product of a criminal conspiracy.

Ironically, much of the company’s evidence comes from footage shot for “Crude,” an award-winning pro-Donziger documentary that premiered with much publicity at the Sundance Film Festival.

          In an eight-year suit in Ecuador, Donziger and his environmentalist allies argued that the oil company had wantonly polluted the pristine Ecuadorean rainforest, creating vast areas of poisoned land and causing huge spikes in cancer and other diseases.

          The case drew vast media coverage, with pieces in The New York Times, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker; a sympathetic “60 Minutes” piece featured the poor and sickly Ecuadorean peasants. And celebrities like Daryl Hannah embarked on some cancer tourism, hugging natives before taking her Chevron-powered jet back to Hollywood.

          An Ecuadorean court found Chevron responsible for massive pollution and awarded the rainforest communities (and lawyers) $19 billion. It was hailed as one of the most significant environmental victories in decades.

There is an avalanche of evidence that the lawsuit was spurious, including a video with pertinent green activists speaking in an off the record setting laughingly admitting the evidence used against Chevron was a joke. The Ecuadorian judge and politicians were all too happy to use the green lawsuit as an excuse to gouge money from a huge oil company. Chevron is fighting back, countersuing the activists.

 James Delingpole contends it’s time we stopped viewing environmentalists as harmless do-gooders trying to “save the world.”

It troubles me because those few of us who are prepared to research and speak the truth on these issues face an uphill struggle in getting our message across. This is why, unfortunately, the usual response of big business when subjected to greenmail by environmentalist pressure groups is to cave in and try to buy them off – in much the same way as the Anglo Saxons did when they tried warding off the Vikings with Danegeld. Big business is risk averse and can see no point going into battle with the one hand tied behind its back, even when it has right on its side. Which, after all, is the public instinctively more likely to trust: a dirty, great Big Oil company or an apparently grassroots protest organisation comprising principled, skinny, bearded vegan blokes and cute-looking activist girls who aren’t in it for the money but because they just want to make the world a better place?

What encourages me about the Chevron case – and indeed, the success of Phelim McAleer’s and Ann McIlhenny’s pro-fracking movie – is that the tide appears to be turning. Finally, business is standing up for the right of business to do business; finally, people are starting to come round to the idea that maybe all those Green activists out there aren’t quite as representative of our interests as they tell us on their posters and in their press releases. Since when was it in our interests to have our energy bills continually driven up by eco-taxes and renewable energy subsidies, not to mention the legal costs organisations like Chevron have accrued trying to fight off this $19 billion claim? How exactly is our economic welfare increased by the $1 billion being squandered every day combating the largely illusory problem of “climate change”? How, in God’s name, have the people of Brighton benefited in any way from voting Green?

          As I note in Watermelons – and it really can’t be said often enough – the Greens (and that includes small “g” greens too) are not our friends. I’m not saying they are intrinsically bad people; I know that in many cases that they are motivated by the highest of ideals. The problem is that the consequences of their noble lies and their warped ideology invariably involve economic recession, higher prices, constrained freedom, thwarted aspirations and widespread human suffering. I don’t call those results good. I’d say they’re downright evil.

There’s no stronger voice out there exposing the money-making, power-grabbing schemes of Big Green than British James Delingpole, who sees the United States as the world’s last hope against socialism that uses environmentalism to impose one-world government.

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