
Archive for October, 2013

Taxpayers gave $400 Million to the Abound Solar Company.  Not only did we lose that money when the company went bankrupt but the company left a toxic mess – can you say irony? – that will cost taxpayers another $4 Million to clean up.

This was part of the Stimulus; remember all those “shovel-ready jobs?” Oh, we know what they were shoveling and it sure wasn’t jobs.

The Abound Solar plant, which got $400 million in federal loan guarantees in 2010, when the Obama administration sought to use stimulus funds to promote green energy, filed for bankruptcy two years later. Now its Longmont, Colo., facility sits unoccupied, its 37,000 square feet littered with hazardous waste, broken glass and contaminated water. The Northern Colorado Business Report estimates it will cost up to $3.7 million to clean and repair the building so it can again be leased


The owner of the property tried to force a bankruptcy trustee to clean the facility, but the report said it would “place humans at imminent and significant health risk.” One of the hazards is the presence of cadmium, a cancer-causing agent that is used to produce the film on the solar panels, the report said.

“If a coal, oil or gas company pulled something like that the EPA would send out SWAT teams and the U.S. Marshals to track down the offenders, bankrupt or not,” the center said in a report of its own.


I didn’t bother checking but I’ll bet the owners of this bankrupt solar energy firm that lost all this taxpayer money was an Obama crony. It’s a fact that more than 80% of these green energy loans went to B-I-G Obama donors.

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libertarian-jesus DanielJMitchell WP

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Food myths that need to be laid to rest


I’m seeing a lot of this research out there, and I’ve covered some of them on posts here.

Here’s a sample:

10. Low-Carb Diets Are Ineffective and Downright Harmful

However, since the year 2002, over 20 randomized  controlled trials have examined the effects of low-carb diets on various  aspects of health.

           Almost every one of those studies agrees that:

  1. Low-carb diets lead to significant decreases in blood pressure (82, 83).
  2. Low-carb diets where people are allowed to eat as much as they want cause  more weight loss than low-fat diets that are calorie restricted (84, 85).
  3. Low-carb diets increase HDL (the good) cholesterol and decrease  triglycerides much more than low-fat diets (868788).
  4. Low-carb diets change the pattern of LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol from small,  dense LDL (very bad) to Large LDL – which is benign (89, 90).
  5. Low-carb diets have powerful positive effects on type II diabetes, significantly lowering blood sugar and reducing the need for medication (91, 92, 93).
  6. If anything, low-carb diets appear to be easier to stick to than low-fat  diets, probably because people don’t have to restrict calories and be hungry all  the time (94).

Read more:  http://authoritynutrition.com/top-13-nutrition-lies-that-made-the-world-sick-and-fat/#ixzz2jM3JErjn

Plus there’s the lie that hydrogenated foods such as margarine were better for you than butter. I remember so many people who hated that fake margarine stuff but were forbidden by doctors to eat butter.

Go read the other 12 myths. Things are changing very quickly in food research, been a long time coming.

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News Roundup

The MSM and Dem politicians keep saying the Tea Party is dead but somehow Americans keep identifying with it. As others have noted, imagine what the polls would show if the MSM didn’t have an all-out WarOnTeaParty vendetta. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/october_2013/42_identify_with_obama_politically_42_with_the_tea_party

Every time someone visits the Bill Clinton Birthplace National Park, it costs taxpayers $33.10 . Why do we have so many national parks, if we can’t afford to maintain them? Because politicians love the idea of tourist sites creating jobs in their state, with federal taxpayers paying the bills. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/29/taxpayers-pay-3310-each-visitor-clinton-birthplace/

This is not an administration that supports whistleblowers, in fact this is an administration that actively punishes whistleblowers. Let’s face it, that would go triple for the Benghazi Massacre. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/28/benghazi-attorneys-major-assertion-reason-to-believe-people-who-insisted-on-military-response-that-night-were-relieved-of-their-duty/

Wait a minute! I thought Europeans loved taxes and loved a Big Green agenda. Maybe the French are getting tired of both. http://www.france24.com/en/20131029-france-delays-ecotax-road-transport-after-protests

I thought liberals wanted us to get better gas mileage on our cars. I thought we would get our money back for buying  the more experience EV’s, hybrids and fuel-efficient cars by saving money on gas. Alas, big government – whether at the federal or state level – requires constant upgrades in tax revenues.

The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives and transmit that information to bureaucrats, are at the center of a controversial attempt in Washington and state planning offices to overhaul the outdated system for funding America’s major roads.  


The push comes as the country’s Highway Trust Fund, financed with taxes Americans pay at the gas pump, is broke. Americans don’t buy as much gas as they used to. Cars get many more miles to the gallon. The federal tax itself, 18.4 cents per gallon, hasn’t gone up in 20 years. Politicians are loath to raise the tax even one penny when gas prices are high

Turns out the little black boxes that keep track of where you go and how many miles you drive is a tax on another fossil fuel – refined oil.  Big Green never gives up, they just change the names of the game.


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from A. Branco at http://www.legalinsurrection.com


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So George Soros and a bunch of billionaires are determined to have amnesty. Is it simply business and cheap labor that motivates these men? I don’t think so. When you look at this list of rich men you see a lot of liberal ideologues, including avowed socialist George Soros. I also don’t see how a influx of cheap labor would benefit some of these people, such as Mark Zuckerberg or Michael Bloomberg.


Today the group spent the day lobbying House Republicans to pass the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill, which cleared the Senate earlier this year. I guess we could call it the Gang of 7 Amnesty bill, since Sen Marco Rubio no longer supports this bill that he fought so hard for. Frankly I think his change of heart is coming a little too late to save his once-promising career. Not only did he participate in some ugly photo ops with the likes of Chuck Schumer and not only did he attack his fellow Republicans who oppose the bill, but he helped push the bill through the Senate. Only the House stands in the way of its passage, which explains the lobbying effort today. We can only hope the House GOP members have some spine.

The Soros-funded National Immigration Forum (NIF) organized today’s “fly-in” of some 600 people to lobby House Republicans to pass the Schumer-Rubio amnesty bill (which Senator Rubio himself has now disavowed). It started with a two-hour teach-in at the U.S Chamber of Commerce, with the usual suspects saying the usual things. (Watch it here.)

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It sure gets old, doesn’t it? This isn’t just happening in America, and not just because we have a half black/half white president. In fact the Grievance Industry, which is welded onto the chipped shoulders of the Political Industry and bears fruit under the Social Justice Industry amidst hysterical slanders of Racism, has been in Europe and Scandinavia longer than they’ve been here. Since they’re such a thriving industry in the United Kingdom, we can see evidence of it in Canada.

It gets real old real fast. Here a couple of tiresome PC situations and a couple of biting responses.

Kate at SmallDeadAnimals is not sympathetic to an Indian who participated in a flag honor ceremony before a pow wow by turning the Canadian flag upside down during the ceremony. He justifies it by saying he’s not happy with Canada and evokes the worn-out Colonialism Card.

The reality is it is time to become the best we can possibly be and follow through with the certainty that we are Nations within a Nation.  Part of that is denouncing the imposed identity that we are Canadian.  My friend Jodi Kechego articulated it well when he stated “My bloodline is inherently separate from Canada in that my ancestors have been here for literally thousands and thousands of years- as apposed three or four generations”.

Kate, who wins every battle of wit, snaps back:

Dude, ten thousand years ago our ancestors were stone age peoples, too. We decided we didn’t like it. But if that’s what you want, that’s cool. You can drop by on the weekend to return our wheel, metallurgy, electricity, antibiotics, and the internal combustion engine.

           You can keep the horse.

As one commenter noted, actually the Europeans brought the horse to Canada.


Fred Reed at Taki’s Magazine is no less testy. He recognizes the evils of slavery. He wants to settle the issue of reparations and guilt, and who owes what to whom once and for all.

For example, as a white American, I think that African Americans and Indians  should pay us royalties for the use of our civilization. I do not propose a  great exaction, but only a reasonable fee for enjoyment of contributions that  whites have made and that others use. I mean things such as telephones, air  conditioning, flush toilets, democracy, civil rights, antibiotics, running  shoes, and the machines that read EBT cards. Also paved roads. Cars. Computers.  Electricity. Clean water. Those sorts of things.

I have in mind something like a software license, with one price for the  entire bundle. Surely there should be some reward for our 2,500 years of onerous  research in mathematics, physics, politics, engineering, from fifth-century BC  Athens through Rome, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and Silicon  Valley, with countless brilliant men going where no one had gone before, even  Captain Kirk.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki’s Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don’t get paid for their work. Email editors@takimag.com to buy additional rights. http://takimag.com/article/ideas_for_a_better_nation_fred_reed/print#ixzz2j5kLz8sg

Truthfully, you don’t hear a lot of that 1970’s talk from blacks anymore about going back to ‘Mother Africa’ and leaving the evil racist United States to build a better, more open community in Africa.

Reed’s article is cleverly written satire and is well worth a few minutes of your time to link and read the whole post. Bonus points: he takes on Al Sharpton.



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A cheesy parody


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The real question is does Obama senior advisor and close buddy to both Obama’s Valerie Jarrett believe this BS or does she just expect us to be dumb enough to believe it? Surely it’s the latter, and why not? He’s been elected to our nation’s highest office, even though he had no expertise or evidence of any competence. Oh yeh, he gave a purty speech at the 2004 DNC convention. Well there’s that.


This article discusses a WH aide who was fired because he was leaking various secret info, but the one that appears to clinch the deal was he had the unmitigated gall to criticize Jarrett.

Why does this woman have her own taxpayer-paid Secret Service detail? Why do we know so little about her? Why wasn’t her shady real estate investments – which cost the taxpayers hundreds of Million $ – widely reported? Why should she be such an important advisor to Barack Obama, not just on political issues, but she’s a policy advisor. What’s her qualification for foreign policy? The economy? Anything?

Listen to this crap she said about President Obama in an interview a couple of years ago:

“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

Where’s the proof Obama is so smart? We have no evidence whatsoever. As for boredom, have you ever known a gifted child? A genius? Brilliant people are never bored, that spark of curiosity and a creative view to every little thing is a hallmark of genius. Ever heard stories of Einstein? He carried on conversations with the little girl next door, or anyone. Einstein was interested in anything and everything. Newton came up with the theory of gravity by watching an apple tree.

But Obama is so smart he’s bored with Iran getting a nuclear bomb, or a massacre in Benghazi, or the worst economic recovery in our history or the gang violence in Chicago or the bankruptcy of what was once the liberal shining star of Detroit or the great beauty of our 50 states or…. oh, come on. If he’s bored with the world, he’s a fool. I’d like to match his IQ up against previous presidents; I suspect Obama would come up short. He’s a tool who’s been used by some socialists, the liberal media and the Democratic Party to advance a certain agenda.

What a bunch of silly talk about a man too dumb to know he’s overwhelmed by the responsibilities of a job he wasn’t qualified and hasn’t grown into.

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